Discharge Safety Care

  • Patient Information

  • What are some specific events or changes that could quickly overwhelm you? (List at least the top 2.)
  • What are the specific plans you or someone else will follow in case these things happen?
  • What are some early warning signs? (Examples: withdrawal, substance use, impulsivity, anger.) Understanding your feelings and being aware of early warning signs will make it easier for you to take care of yourself and not become overwhelmed to the point of wanting to harm yourself.
  • Things I can DO on my own to cope with distress: One thing that is important to me and worth living for:
  • PLACES I can go or PEOPLE I can be around to distract me or provide a change of scenery:
  • Friends and Family

    I can call the following for assistance when I’m feeling bad/overwhelmed/suicidal:
  • Professional and Agency Resources to help resolve a crisis 24/7

    - Emergency: 911
    - Central Florida Behavioral Hospital Admissions Department: 407-370-0111
    - National Suicide Prevention Line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
    - AA Helpline: 1-800-235-2956www.aa.org
    - Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741
    - ASL Crisis Text Line: text DEAF to 741741
  • Patient Environment

    *If yes, complete remainder of this section. If no, skip to Access to other potentially harmful items.