Medication Management After an Inpatient Stay: Tips and Best Practices

June 9, 2023

A female nurse explains something to her partially unseen patient

After being discharged from an inpatient stay, it is essential to continue to manage your medications effectively.

This process can be daunting and overwhelming, especially if you are dealing with a complex medical condition that requires multiple medications.

However, proper medication management is critical for ensuring that you continue to make progress towards recovery and maintaining good health.

The Importance of Medication Management Plans

Step 1: Create a Plan

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) recommends that individuals create a medication management plan with their healthcare providers before leaving the hospital. This plan should include information on the medications you are taking, the dosage and how often you need to take them. It should also include any potential side effects of the medications and what to do if you experience any adverse effects.

Step 2: Understand Your Medication

Another essential part of medication management is understanding your medications. NIMH suggests asking your healthcare provider questions about your medications to ensure that you understand why you are taking each medication, how it works, and what the potential side effects are. You should also ask about any potential interactions with other medications, vitamins, or supplements that you may be taking.

Step 3: Follow Directions

It’s crucial to take your medications as prescribed. NIMH recommends setting a schedule for taking medications and sticking to it. You can use pillboxes or alarms to help you remember to take your medications on time. It’s also important to avoid skipping doses or changing the dosage without consulting your healthcare provider.

Step 4: Keep a List

NIMH also recommends keeping a medication list with you at all times. This list should include the name of each medication, the dosage and the time of day that you need to take it. You should also include the name and contact information of your healthcare provider and any emergency contacts.

Step 5: Schedule Appointments to Review

Finally, scheduling regular appointments with your healthcare provider to review your medications and make any necessary adjustments to your medication plan. It’s essential to keep your healthcare provider informed about any changes in your health, including any new symptoms or adverse effects from your medications.

Create a Plan, Stay on Track

Medication management following an inpatient stay is critical for ensuring that you continue to make progress towards recovery and maintaining good health. Creating a medication management plan, understanding your medications, taking them as prescribed, keeping a medication list, and scheduling regular appointments with your healthcare provider are all essential steps in this process. By following these tips and best practices, you can help ensure that you stay on track with your medication management and continue to make progress towards your health goals.

About Central Florida Behavioral Hospital

Central Florida Behavioral Hospital is a homelike facility that offers treatment to children, adolescents and adults suffering from mental health and substance abuse disorders. Located in Orlando, FL, our nine acre campus provides a serene and therapeutic environment, perfect for healing and growth.

We offer high-quality care with all of our services that also comes with a supportive staff. Some of our services include our inpatientoutpatientchildren’sadolescent and general adult programs. All of these programs feature evidence-based therapies and are designed to meet the individual needs of our patients.

To schedule a no-cost assessment or for more information, please call 407-370-0111.